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So far bcm04 has created 201 blog entries.
12 03, 2020

Exact Metrology Discusses CT Scanning Technology For 3D Printed Work

2022-08-17T16:07:16-04:00March 12, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

Exact Metrology, a comprehensive metrology service provider, participated in a webinar on February 20, 2020. The general subject involved testing and inspecting parts that are 3D printed. Josh Schradin, a project manager at Exact Metrology, gave a presentation on industrial CT (Computed Tomography) for additive manufacturing. A CT scan, also known as an X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) or a Computerized Axial Tomography scan (CAT scan) uses computer-processed combinations of several X-ray images taken from different angles to produce cross-sectional (tomographic) images or “virtual slices” of specific areas of a scanned object. This allows the user to see inside the object without cutting or damaging [...]

12 03, 2020

Exact Metrology Discusses CT Scanning Technology For 3D Printed Work

2023-09-26T13:48:48-04:00March 12, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

Exact Metrology, a comprehensive metrology service provider, participated in a webinar on February 20, 2020. The general subject involved testing and inspecting parts that are 3D printed. Josh Schradin, a project manager at Exact Metrology, gave a presentation on industrial CT (Computed Tomography) for additive manufacturing.

11 03, 2020

Why Use a CT Scanner for an Industrial Job?

2022-08-17T16:03:47-04:00March 11, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

By Dean Solberg, Co-Founder, Exact Metrology The ability to “see through” a solid object was once thought to be a tool of the future, or a power belonging to Superman–but the technology is here today, and more widespread and accessible than you may have thought. Until recently, the technology of CT imaging was only available for use in medical settings. Over the last several years, it has found a new home in the world of manufacturing, and is opening up myriad opportunities never before available. CT, or Computed Tomography, is now commonly used in various industrial metrology settings, both in the lab and online or inline [...]

5 03, 2020

Exact Metrology Receives Two New Firearms Certifications

2023-09-26T13:48:41-04:00March 5, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

Exact Metrology, a comprehensive metrology services provider, announced that they recently received two new certifications; the FFL (Federal Firearms License) and ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Registration). Both the FFL and ITAR certifications are required by the Federal Government for any manufacturer or dealer to deal with firearms.

27 02, 2020

Exact Metrology Now Offers New Artec LEO 3D Scanner

2022-08-16T17:31:03-04:00February 27, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

With its ability to scan both expansive areas and fine details, Artec LEO can scan a variety of objects, from small mechanical parts to the human body, cars, boats or crime scenes Exact Metrology is proud to announce the availability of the Artec LEO 3D scanner, produced by Artec 3D, a world-renowned developer and manufacturer of professional 3D scanners and software. Artec LEO is the first scanner to offer onboard automatic processing with an integrated touch panel viewer and frees users from being tied to a computer for data capture. The scanner has a 3D reconstruction rate of 80 frames per second, making it the [...]

27 02, 2020

Exact Metrology Now Offers New Artec LEO 3D Scanner

2023-09-26T13:48:39-04:00February 27, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

Exact Metrology is proud to announce the availability of the Artec LEO  3D scanner, produced by Artec 3D, a world-renowned developer and manufacturer of professional 3D scanners and software. Artec LEO is the first scanner to offer onboard automatic processing with an integrated touch panel viewer and frees users from being tied to a computer for data capture.

20 02, 2020

Exact Metrology Offers Tips On Airfoil Scanning Procedures

2022-08-16T17:27:30-04:00February 20, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

Market Leader in 3D and CT Scanning Details a Typical Airfoil Procedure SCAN PROCESS: The scan can occur at the customer’s facility or at Exact Metrology’s. In many cases, it is most cost effective for the digitizing or scanning to take place at the Exact facility. However, in certain instances, when turnaround time is of great importance or downtime of the scanned component is critical, the scanner is mobile and available for onsite operation. The airfoils that are typically provided by customers will be received by Exact Metrology for full documentation with photos, measurements and any surface markings or serial numbers recorded prior to any [...]

13 02, 2020

Exact Metrology Set to Open New Center in Moline, Illinois

2023-08-30T18:24:57-04:00February 13, 2020|Exact Metrology News|

Exact Metrology, a comprehensive metrology services provider, will be adding a new facility. With existing facilities in Brookfield, Wisconsin, Cincinnati, Ohio and an upcoming one in Texas, the company will have a center in Moline, Illinois. The new location will open on March 1, 2020 and will be located at 4715 15th Street A. The need for a new space arose from the increasing number of clients in the area. This location will serve as a training, support, contract measurement and sales center. Training will be provided on software packages such as: PolyWorks®, Geomagic and PC-DMIS. The Polyworks® software suite maximizes productivity, quality, and profit, [...]

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